Search Results

Name SKU Category Description Price
Keeping Order in the Church - Part Two 1533 Bible Studies/Teaching Tools A single lesson bible study on wors... [more]


Becoming One Flesh 1511 Bible Studies/Teaching Tools A pastor's marriage counseling manu... [more]


Pastors Installation - Ordination Ceremony Guide 1510 Bible Studies/Teaching Tools A guide for planning a memorable Pa... [more]


What the Pastor Cannot Do 1281 Sermons Ezekiel 37:1-14
Anniversary Past... [more]


A Pastor and His People 1198 Sermons 1 Kings 3:7-10
Proverbs 9:9
A... [more]


Biblical Role of Deacons - Pastoral Study 1019 Bible Studies/Teaching Tools A guide designed to give pastors a ... [more]


God's Trumpet 0857 Sermons Isaiah 58:1
Anniversary Pastor ... [more]


A Pastor's Phrase of Praise (Anniversary) 0828 Sermons Psalm 56:3-4
Anniversary Pastor... [more]


The Actions of An Acclaimer 0808 Sermons 2 Timothy 4:1-5
"Ministry requi... [more]


Making Your Calling Count 0789 Sermons 2 Timothy 4:2
Ordination - Prea... [more]


Sheep Among Wolves 0719 Sermons Luke 10:1-3
Inst... [more]


Why Pastors Need Deacons 0702 Sermons 1 Timothy 3:14


Your Coming Out Party 0674 Sermons 2 Corinthians 6:1-10
Philippian... [more]


There Was The Blood Applied 0582 Sermons Leviticus 8:22-24
Ordination Pas... [more]


Can You Get a Prayer Through for Your Pastor? 0566 Sermons 1 Thessalonians 5:25
Anniversary... [more]


The Preaching Privilege 0520 Sermons Romans 10:13-14
Anniversary Past... [more]


God's Indispensible and Invincible Man 0386 Sermons Jeremiah 1:5,7,10
Matthew 28:20<... [more]


The Official Position of a Pastor 0385 Sermons Acts 20:28
Installation Pastor [more]


Give Him His Flowers While He Lives 0384 Sermons Luke 7:28
Anniversary Pastor [more]


The Minister's Assignment 0383 Sermons Jeremiah 1:10
Ordination Pastor [more]


Keeper of the Keys 0351 Sermons Matthew 16:19
Anniversary Pastor [more]


A Fearless Preacher 0342 Sermons Jeremiah 1:6-8
Anniversary Pasto... [more]


God's Soldier and His Uniform 0274 Sermons Ephesians 6:13-18
Installation P... [more]


The Minister, The World's Greatest Seed Sower 0272 Sermons Psalm 126:6
Anniversary Pastor [more]


Watching Over the Flock 0260 Sermons Acts 20:28
Anniversary Pastor [more]
